

I am moving, and since I am unsure of wether or not I will be able to host my own server in my new dwelling place, I will take this as an opportunity to check out using blogger as the host of my general web content, given that I already use github for my public code hosting.

My other uses such as irc connection persistency or home to not-home file transfer and back, I can either live without, or can be solved through other means than a public-facing server for the time being. It has after all been established that a carrier pigeon with a high density memory card is faster than trying to move large files through the regular tubes.

I have never blogged before—it will be interesting to see if, in a year (or whatever), this stays the sole post on this blog, or if it will steal or duplicate some of the content I usually broadcast on facebook, given that the layout or more generally, the fact that it is a blogging platform after all and not a general CMS, lends it to a more journal-style of writing. Maybe there will be some thoughts and not only projects this iteration. Time will tell.

I should really be focusing on getting all my stuff into boxes—or smaller boxes into bigger boxes as it is in some of the cases (ha!)—but of course I sit here trying to minimize the disruptive effect on a website even I don't visit very often…oh well…

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